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Dear Acton Chinese Language School Friends and Family,

This Sunday, January 12,2020, it is our great pleasure to have Acton-Boxborough Regional High School Science Team Coach, Mr. Brian Dempsey, to introduce our own science programs.


题目(Topic):AB's Science Olympiad and Science Research Programs

嘉宾 (Presenter):  Brian Dempsey, ABRHS Science Team Coach

语言 (Language):  英文 (English)

时间 (Time):      下午2:15 - 3:30pm

日期 (Date):     2020 年 1月 12 (星期天)

地点 (location):    小食堂 (Small Café 

地址 (Address):     R.J. Grey Junior High School

16 Charter Road, Acton, MA 01720


Description: Is your son or daughter interested in science?  Learn about the ABRHS Science Olympiad Team, an organization that fosters student leadership, mentoring, teamwork, and group investigations. AB has a strong history of success at the Massachusetts Science Olympiad competition.  Find out how your child can get involved.  ABRHS is also building a rich science research program that allows students to compete in a variety of science fairs, including the Region IV, Massachusetts Science and Engineering Fair (MSEF), Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS), and Regeneron Science Talent Search (STS).  Learn how teens entering high school can get involved in the Summer Science Research Program and enroll in a new STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) elective for high schoolers.

Speaker bio: Brian Dempsey is a teacher at Acton-Boxborough Regional High School where he has taught biology for 24 years.  He has coached the Science Team since 1998, helping ABRHS come in first place at the Massachusetts Science Olympiad competition thirteen times and travel to the national competition where teammates earned first place medals in chemistry, forensics, and engineering events.  Brian also teaches a Summer Science Research class, a six week program that meets for several hours each morning in late June, July, and early August.  Students develop skills and plan experiments as they prepare to compete in the Region IV Science Fair at Tufts University.  Next school year, Brian will also offer a two semester class to help students enter the Massachusetts Science and Engineering Fair, Junior Science and Humanities Symposium, and the Regeneron Science Talent Search.  Before becoming a teacher, Brian worked briefly at the Museum of Science in Boston where he developed exhibits and performed lightening shows in the Theater of Electricity.  He earned his Masters in Arts in Teaching in Biology at Boston University and a Bachelors in Biological Anthropology from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

ACLS Seminar Committee

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Acton Chinese Language School P.O.Box 2239 Acton MA 01720-6239 is operated by Action Chinese Language School. All rights reserved.